The four main UW teaching hospitals serve more than 9,000 patients annually and support the clinical and translational research programs of the Division of Rheumatology. The UW Medicine Research Facility located in South Lake Union is the primary location for the Division's research activities. Additionally, several UW affiliated centers are located in South Lake Union within a two-mile radius of the research facility. These affiliate institutions include Seattle Children’s Research Institute (SCRI), the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) and the Benaroya Research Institute (BRI).

University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) - Montlake Campus
UWMC-Montlake has 450 beds and offers care to patients throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska and includes a regional cardiology and cardiovascular referral center, renal/ lung/ cardiac/ liver/ pancreas/ bone marrow transplantation, the University Cancer Center, and the Women’s Health Care Center. The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (a partnership between UWMC, Seattle Children’s and the FHCRC) has an additional 28 inpatient beds.

Rheumatology Research at South Lake Union (SLU)
The newly expanded biotechnology and medical research hub at SLU houses over 1000 scientists who work on areas of immunology, biologic imaging, biomarkers, cancer vaccines, diabetes, inflammation, microbiology, mitochondria and metabolism, and proteomics. These areas of endeavor are supported by biomedical research centers that cross organizational and disciplinary lines. See layout of UW Medicine Research Buildings here.

Harborview Medical Center (HMC)
HMC provides care for a wide range of patients from around the region, including the most vulnerable residents of King County. HMC is committed to providing and teaching exemplary patient care, as well as developing and maintaining leading-edge centers of emphasis.

UWMC - Northwest is conveniently located just off I-5 and includes a 281 bed full-service hospital, outpatient clinics and Outpatient Medical Center. The Seattle Arthritis Clinic is located within the Outpatient Medical Center and provides on-site infusion services, lab, X-ray, bone density and ultrasound.

Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System (VAPSHCS)
The Puget Sound VA is one of two tertiary centers of the VA Northwest Health Network that provides health services to the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, most of the state of Idaho, and one county each in Montana and California.